I got booted from the coffee club. I wore a tea shirt to my last meeting!

Have you ever been rejected by a group or community that you wanted to be a part of? Maybe you didn’t fit in with their standards or culture, or maybe you just didn’t have the right clothes or accessories. Whatever the reason, it can be painful and discouraging to feel excluded. In a lighthearted way, the pun “I got booted from the coffee club because I wore a tea shirt” highlights this kind of experience. But as we look at it from a spiritual perspective, we can see a deeper meaning and a greater hope.

The Bible talks about two different clubs or groups of people: those who belong to the world and those who belong to God. The world represents the values, priorities, and ways of thinking that are opposed to God’s will and truth. It often promotes selfishness, pride, immorality, and materialism, among other things. On the other hand, God’s people are those who have been chosen and redeemed by Him through faith in Jesus Christ. They have a new identity, a new purpose, and a new hope that are based on God’s grace and truth.

But here’s the thing: sometimes, being a part of God’s club means being rejected by the world’s club. It means standing out, being different, and sometimes even facing persecution or ridicule. It means not conforming to the world’s patterns or compromising on God’s standards. It means wearing a “tea shirt” in a “coffee club.” However, the good news is that God’s club is the best club to be in. It is a club of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). It is a club where you are accepted, forgiven, and transformed by God’s power and presence. It is a club where you have a purpose, a destiny, and an eternal inheritance that cannot be taken away.

As a Christian, if you ever feel like you don’t fit in with the world’s club, remember that you belong to a different club, a better club, a club that is worth any cost or sacrifice. Keep wearing your “tea shirt” with pride and confidence, knowing that you are loved and valued by God. Keep shining your light and sharing your faith, knowing that you are making a difference in the world. Keep trusting in Jesus and following His example, knowing that He has overcome the world and promised to be with you always.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for choosing me to be a part of Your club. Help me to embrace my identity and mission as Your child, and to live according to Your will and truth. Give me the courage and wisdom to stand firm in the face of opposition or rejection, and to shine Your light in the darkness. May my life be a testimony of Your grace and glory, and may many others be drawn to Your love and salvation. In Jesus’ name, amen.