“Then you shall make the boards for the tabernacle of acacia wood, standing upright.” Exodus 26:15
In Exodus 26:15, we read about the use of acacia wood in the construction of the Tabernacle. Acacia wood was chosen because it was readily available in the area, but also because it had some unique properties that made it ideal for this purpose. The heartwood of the acacia tree is different from other trees around it. It contains many waste substances that act as natural preservatives and make the wood unpalatable to insects.
This got me thinking about how we, as Christians, can learn from the acacia tree. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, our souls are transformed. We become new creations, and our hearts are no longer the same. The way we think and act changes, and our priorities shift towards those that honor God.
However, just like the acacia wood, the transformation that takes place in our hearts can be rejected by others. The world may not understand our new way of thinking, and the ideas and beliefs that come out of our changed hearts can be bitter to those who don’t share our faith.
But just like the acacia wood was the perfect choice for the construction of the Tabernacle, our transformed hearts are exactly what God wants. He desires that we live lives that honor Him, and when we do, we become a light in the darkness for others to see.
So if you’ve been feeling rejected or misunderstood because of the changes that have taken place in your heart since accepting Jesus, take heart! The transformation that has taken place is a good thing. Don’t be discouraged by the reactions of others. Instead, embrace your new identity in Christ and keep living a life that honors Him.
As we go through our day-to-day lives, let’s remember that just like the acacia wood was set apart for a special purpose, we too have been set apart for a special purpose. Let’s embrace the transformation that has taken place in our hearts and live lives that honor God. When we do, we can be confident that our lives will be a testimony to the goodness and faithfulness of our God.